For the first 19 days of April, we did a lot of little jobs on the boat. That is one of the things that consumes so much of our time cruising. Sometimes, it seems that the true definition of cruising is to travel to exotic lands, meet exotic people and work on our boat! Then, we get to meet very special people that makes it all worth it, and that was truly the case with Curacao this time. We made an effort to get to know the other boats in the anchorage, and were rewarded by getting to know some really phenomenal people.
On April 23, Krina and Lutz from Topaz invited us over for dinner. Lutz fixed a wonderful meal and we had a great evening with them.
On April 25, we had a small cocktail party, and invited Theo and Marlene from Chilugi, Mika from Southern Cross, Theo and his girlfriend from Double M, and Mariah and Marcello from land over for cocktails. It was a great evening!